List for women
- Birth certificate, family register if you have one
- Identity documents and visa, or any documents relevant to your residence in Germany
- Medical notes, medication, vaccination certificates
- Health insurance card
- References
- Essential clothes/personal items
- Any protection orders or custody orders issued by a court
- Tenancy agreement
- Proof of income (e.g. wage slip, job centre documents, child support letters, maintenance documents)
- Employment contract
- Pension scheme number and tax ID
Dowload the list for women as a PDF
List for children
- Birth certificate
- Identity documents and visa documents
- Medical reports, yellow early years examination record, medication, vaccination certificates
- Health insurance card
- References, school things
- Essential clothes and personal items
- Essential clothes and personal items Favourite toy, cuddly toy
Download the list for children as a PDF
You can come to us without these things if packing them would be too dangerous.